Shopping and girls are inseparable...the word itself gives some relief and eventually brings a smile on our face....All of us enjoy shopping and some of us love it to the core. We find reasons to shop, even if there are no reasons, we are quite capable of inventing one. To me or even to a few of my friends, its the best stress buster...but can get too heavy on your pockets...I thoroughly enjoyed writing this post and it the mere thought of shopping gave me some relief....I have tried and penned down some of the most hilarious and weirdest reasons girls give when they want to shop....:) I hope you all will relate and enjoy reading this one.

1. Its my first date, I don't have anything appropriate to wear..Well you have all the rights to shop..after all looking special on your first date is important. Remember first impression is the last impression.
2. Its wedding season...I have to attend a few weddings of them all lined one after the other....Well you now have the biggest reason to shop. Looking beautiful is the only thing on our mind...Please note, we buy clothes as per the number of weddings we have to attend, we don't like repeating ( i hope the guys are reading this).
3. Its Prom Night, I need to course Yes, who says you can wear the same dress you bought for your date...after all its prom night. you have to look the hottest and stand out stunningly... There are going to be some real good looking guys out there....
4. I don't have anything to wear, my cupboard looks empty...OK so lets go SHOPPING!!!!

5. I fought with my boss, I'm a terrible mood. OK lets me its the best way to deal with the frustrated situation :p
6. My friend wants to shop, so i tagged along but I liked one thing and picked up a few things for my self. :p The most common reason to shop.
7. Its College friends reunion...We are meeting after ages....I need to pick up something for myself...I need to shop!!
8. Saturday night, party time....I have to go clubbing....lets shop!
9. Family dinner with relatives....need to look good... ssssoooo lets shop :p:p:p
10. Its my friends baby shower...I have nothing appropriate to wear..Lets shop.

11. Its Spinsters party...for the last time we all will be together and party like there no tomorrow...Please I want to shop!
12. Christmas!!! New year!! Diwali!!! festival time...wohuuuu.
13. I have Pink shoes but don't have anything to go with it, hence I'm going shopping today.
14. The earrings and bag was gifted to me by a friend, but no clothes to go with it....hence i want to shop
15. Sale! Sale! Sale! every where....huge discounts...Lets go shopping...
16. Its rainy season.......want to use my old clothes and then dispose them off after rains...then I can sop and refill all that's gone!!!!
17. Its summer time! I want clothes with fresh wardrobe has all dark shades...lets shop!!!!

18. I need some cosmetics, a lip gloss and kajal for daily office use...lets shop.
19. I'm running out of formals....I have my counterparts visiting next week from let me shop please
20. I fought with my splurging his money...I'm shopping
21. Its sisters days out...we are shopping dining and watching some movies
22. I don't have anything in white to wear...some thing which i can wear for sad occasions (Lets buy a white chicken Kurta).
23. Its Goa calling...need some beach wear... I need to shop babes.
24. My first international trip...I want something that can be worn that country.. I want to shop!!!
25. I'm bored, sitting at home have nothing else to do,...lets catch up, window shopping (eventually turns out to be actual shopping).
26. I'm travelling, need some night wear, some comfortable clothes...i need to go shopping..
27. House warming ceremony...I need to wear news need to shop
28. Its my honey moon, I have to buy really cute stuff...:p I'm going shopping.

29. Its some relatives function, colleagues wedding, old school friends wedding, childhood friends wedding, puja in my building, or any other function....i need to shop...
30.. Its dance class, yoga class and then gym in the need comfortable clothes to exercise....
31. I just need to look and feel good about myself, there's nothing special..I want to buy good stuff, its boosts my self
32. Lastly, it my wedding ...I need to carry new clothes to my in laws place, I need clothes for all functions...I need everything new from bags to shoes to cosmetics etc I'm shopping..
All husbands, boyfriends and those still single...this is just the trailor...:p
Happy Reading,
PS. The images are taken from Shutterstock (a website for photographs, images, etc)